Profit Edge (IT) (CPA) (Incent)
Affiliate Program Details
- status: active
- currency: usd
- update: 2025-01-14
- stop_at:
- click session: 1y
- minimal click session: 0s
- required approval: 1
- strictly country: yes
- is cpi: no
- consider personal targeting only: no
- hosts only: no
- use https: yes
- use http: yes
- uniq ip only: yes
- reject not uniq ip: yes
- sign clicks integration: no_sign
Affiliate Program Website / Landing Page »
Affiliate Program Description
Description: Profit Edge uses Artificial Intelligence and State-of-the-art Algorithms to Identify Only Profitable Trades
Requirements: Conversion occurs when a customer register and makes a minimum deposit of $250
1. User is sent to our funnel where he leave his details in the registration form, that’s a Lead
2. Lead is sent to our best converting FX broker and its call center immediately (within max 10-15 min) calling the leads to convince him to open a trading account with minimum deposit of $250
3. Once the user deposited the minimum deposit pixel fired
Payment Terms: Weekly Payment
Allowed Methods of Promotion: All traffic allowed; Can be incentive
No Auto-subscriptions
No Bot traffic
No Cashback traffic
No Fraud
No Proxy or VPN
No Spam