E-commerce - Latest Articles

2015-06-18 09:57:11

What Is CPM, Cost-Per-Mille?


Cost per Mille is another way of saying cost per 1000 and is regularly used when it comes to online advertising. Any sort of advertising that will reach a lot of people can be calculated this way and as well as online, it can be used for television, radio and the printed word. It is the way that the true cost of an advertising campaign can be calculated. The way that this works is easy. Normally referred to as the CPM, the cost is worked out by dividing the cost of the advertising campaign by the number of people who became involved as a result of it.

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2015-06-18 09:55:01

What is CPC, Cost-Per-Click?


Cost per Click can easily be explained as the amount that you will have to pay every time someone clicks through to your site from the site of a person signed up to your pay per click marketing scheme. Once someone clicks on a link on a site and are taken through to another site, they are considered to have taken part in the scheme and the person owning the site they clicked through from, will be entitled to payment. They have brought someone to your site and given you the chance of a sale, so will need to be paid.

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2015-06-18 09:48:28

What is CPA, Cost-Per-Action?


CPA or Cost per Action – sometimes cost per acquisition, although this is not as common a term – is a way to work out what you will need to pay in order to get people using your services. It is going to cost more to work under the cost per action system than it will cost per click as while many people will click on a link, in order to gain more information, not all will go any further. It could be that the link does not take them to anything they want, or simply because they are trying to get information at that stage rather than actually making a purchase.

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