Fiverr (INTL) (CPA) (Direct) (Personal Approval)

Affiliate Program Details

  • status: active
  • currency: usd
  • update: 2024-10-11
  • stop_at:
  • click session: 1y
  • minimal click session: 0s
  • required approval: 1
  • strictly country: yes
  • is cpi: no
  • consider personal targeting only: no
  • hosts only: no
  • use https: yes
  • use http: yes
  • uniq ip only: yes
  • reject not uniq ip: yes
  • sign clicks integration: no_sign

Affiliate Program Website / Landing Page »
Warning: Sometimes clicking from outside the approved country will redirect you to a friendly campaign for your country

Affiliate Program Description

Description: Running a business around the clock? Rushing to complete a project on-the-go? Fiverr is here to help. With the leading online marketplace for digital freelance services, Fiverr provides instant access to a global network of remote freelancers.

Fiverr connects entrepreneurs to experts to help them get every great idea done. Whether you need a variety of services to build your business from the ground up or one expert to complete one perfect job, Fiverr offers a world of creative freelancers. It's on-demand quality work, right at your fingertips.

Requirements: The user downloads Fiverr's app -> register to Fiverr -> browses for services to purchase -> placing an order

Allowed methods of promotion: Web sites, Doorways, Context AD, Brand Context AD, Teaser/banner AD, Social networks: targeted AD, Social networks: publics, games, applications, Emailing, Mobile traffic,ClickUnder/PopUnder

Restrictions:  No incentivized traffic, No Rebrokering