MeritForex (INTL 1) (CPS)

Affiliate Program Details

  • status: inactive
  • currency: USD
  • update: 2019-03-25
  • payout: 450
  • payout type: cpa_flat
  • expiration date: 2019-10-20 03:59:59
  • require approval: yes
  • require terms and conditions: no

Affiliate Program Description

Merit Fx is dedicated to serve its worldwide investors to trade online Forex, Cfd and many other financial instruments with a brand new dimension. Our task is to inspire investors to open the doors for trading in the largest and most liquid market of the world in global economy. We provide the most innovative trade instruments to our investors, engage the best educators and ensure the heavy financial standards by ourselves in order to protect our investors’ interest. We take effort for providing the best online trade experience in the market in order to protect investors and their profits

Requirements: Customer registers on the landing page of MeritForex -> Upon registration, customer is receiving a call from the sales team of MeritForex to make a deposit -> Deposit is being made of minimum 100.00 USD -> The pixel is fired on 1 executed trade by the depositor

Payment Terms: Weekly Payment

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Display, Banners, Search, Social/Targeted Ads in Social Networks, Own websites, Mobile, Native


- Adult traffic is not allowed

- Brand Search

- Incent traffic is not allowed

- All referred potential clients are above 18 years of age and with real contact details

- No misleading information will be published in order to attract more clients and deceive them, for example promising guaranteed profits, telling that trading does not involve risk, providing financial advises in relation to JNE Software & Marketing Ltd

- Traffic from hacked resources is not allowed

- Trading accounts will not be opened by yourself via your own affiliate links

- Marketing materials used will be the once provided by JNE Marketing and any custom made will be pre-approved

- Commissions between you and JNE Marketing will remain between both parties and will not be provided to clients

- Trading on behalf of clients is strictly forbidden

Targeting: Only English speaking audience