Amazon Investing Mentor (SG) (CPS)

Affiliate Program Details

  • status: inactive
  • currency: usd
  • update: 2023-02-20
  • stop_at:
  • click session: 1y
  • minimal click session: 0s
  • required approval: 1
  • strictly country: yes
  • is cpi: no
  • consider personal targeting only: no
  • hosts only: no
  • use https: yes
  • use http: yes
  • uniq ip only: yes
  • reject not uniq ip: yes
  • sign clicks integration: inherit

Affiliate Program Website / Landing Page »
Warning: Sometimes clicking from outside the approved country will redirect you to a friendly campaign for your country

Affiliate Program Description

Description: Invest in Amazon! With increasing market revenue, Amazon is the undisputed leader. Investors and people who participate in the Amazon model can continue to benefit from the development prospects for Amazon

Requirements: Conversion occurs when customer register and make a minimum deposit of $250

Payment Terms: Weekly Payment

Allowed Methods of Promotion: All traffic allowed


No Auto-subscriptions

No Bot traffic

No Cashback traffic

No Fraud

No Incent

No Proxy or VPN

No Recycled traffic

No Spam

Target audience:

When the guys in call center call the leads they ask questions (KYC), then based on that info they give them a score, we see a perfect match between the score to the PV, as long the score is high then the PV will be.

The score is given based on the KYC: 

1. Male (what we prefer)

2. Age: must to be 35+, when 45+ is better

3. Experience in trading: better if they have

4. Occupation: 

Student is bad

Unemployed - not good

Employed and self-employed - we need 

5. Jobs is super important

Important note: We expect that clients will answer to the retention after the first deposit and expect them to re-deposit, not take all their money from the account