Adscend Media reviews

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Adscend Media

Adscend Media was founded in 2009, while one of our founders was still in college. Through their entrepreneurial drive, Fehzan Ali and Jeremy Bash took Adscend Media from a two-man team to an award-winning performance marketing platform complete with innovative monetization technology and ROI-focused advertising solutions.

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With over 2,000 offers, Adscend Media is one of the largest incentive-based performance marketing platforms in the industry. From mobile apps to credit card submits, our publishers receive access to a massive offer inventory daily. Between 2010 and 2014, we served over 1 billion relevant ads for our web and mobile advertising partners, producing hundreds of millions of clicks and tens of millions of actionable leads. However, you are more than just numbers. We value our partnership with you and are invested in your success. Each day, our advertising team joins you on your path to ROI glory, as our innovative ad formats introduce your brand to a global audience, engaging and converting them into customers.

Minimal payment is 50$ when using PayPal and 100$ when using other transfer options. Payed monthly.


Tools & Features

  • - SuperURL
  • - Postback
  • - AdLock Link, AdLock Widget, AdLock Vault, AdLock API
  • - Mobile Video Locker
  • - Content Locking
  • - Offer Wall
  • - API


  • + Top 10 Network (mThink 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
  • + Many commission options
  • + Good amount of quality offers available

Adscend Media Average Rating

General impression, satisfaction

Payment frequency and reliability

Customer support

User interface

Advertisers - amount, quality

Variety in partner programs and industries

Amount of new programs per month

Commission rates

Registration process

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