A4G reviews

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Ad4Game has hundreds of top converting display and mobile gaming offers for affiliates!

A4G reviews & ratings »

Network includes over 1500 exclusive publishers from gaming,entertainment and anime categories.

Ad Server will automatically choose the ads that perform best for your website depending on the country and many other parameters.

Generate pure additional revenue with our custom Ad Formats: Footer Ads, Site Skins, Editorials, Gaming PopUnders.

Increase your advertising revenue using all the standard IAB banners and an exclusive Video Pre Roll from Google.

Competitive payment terms with instant payments on Ad4Game prepaid Mastercard (available for all Publishers).


Tools & Features

  • - Top Ad technology platform
  • - Optimization
  • - Quality Assurance
  • - Unique ad formats
  • - Fraud Detection
  • - Google Ads


  • + A4G was ranked #9th biggest network world wide according to Quantcast

A4G Average Rating

General impression, satisfaction

Payment frequency and reliability

Customer support

User interface

Advertisers - amount, quality

Variety in partner programs and industries

Amount of new programs per month

Commission rates

Registration process

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